
Hungry For Life fundraising gala

Friday, November 8

Mexican child smiling







A tale of two hungers

Physical poverty

Three billion people find themselves in poverty, unable to meet basic needs, lacking shelter, clothing, water and food.

Spiritual poverty

The Western world is blessed with unprecedented material wealth. But lives of excess have left people hungry for more.

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Change powered by a global community

The world’s problems are overwhelming, but together we can change lives.

From churches and community groups to businesses and charities, Hungry For Life connects groups hungry to help communities in need.


We believe in fostering lasting relationships through direct engagement that results in life change.

Tenth Church

Tenth Church October 2024

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

In October 2024, Tenth Church is facilitating a Justice Journey to Cambodia, with the purpose for everyone participating to grow deeper in spiritual formation through healthy relationships, and wider through giving time to serve others. The focus is on developing the capacity of local and global partners. This year's justice journey has three objectives:

1. Redemptive Entrepreneur Training and Coaching: Cambodian leaders connected to Tenth Church with a 3-day business and spiritual accelerator, enriching their understanding of redemptive social entrepreneurship and helping their ventures become more sustainable and impactful.

2. Partnership with VillageWorks: The team will conduct workshops with VillageWorks, a social enterprise that empowers people with disabilities by creating sustainable livelihoods through upcycled and recycled handcrafted goods. Our goal is to strengthen this important partnership and support their innovative efforts.

3. Strategic and Relational Support: The team will offer coaching and strategic planning to existing partners, helping them to scale their innovative ventures and achieve their missions.


Where we work

Aside from the below countries, we also work in a few closed-access nations.

Projects spotlight

Powerful stories from around the globe. Read about life-changing work that tackles physical and spiritual poverty.

Staff support

Staff support

Villageworks believes in the training and development of skills to empower women, people with disabilities and marginalized communities to be able to work in order to find and maintain stable employment. Partnership with this Project helps to support the enterprise through staff support, which allows for investment in Villageworks employees, provide training for them, and improvement and expansion of the organization and its mission. Staff support assists with staff salaries, improvement of facilities and working conditions, and increasing marketing of Villageworks products which contributes to increased employment and earning.

Organization support

Organization support

Organization support of Villageworks Cambodia assists with the operational overhead that exists for the organization, and the costs associated with their projects. Rent is a significant expense, and contribution to this project helps with minimizing the impact of that, allowing more of the profits to be re-invested in Villageworks ongoing operations and their employees.

Teacher support

Teacher support

Manna4life has been providing education since 2014 to 120 and 160 students per year. Initially, it was with the Mango Tree School (which our partners operated), but it was beyond their means to continue in this fashion. Manna4life partnered with another private Christian school a few kilometers away and transferred all the students to the new school. Initially, the transition went well as the school hired all the teachers from the Mango Tree School.

When the global pandemic hit, many challenges began to arise. The schools were closed and then reopened about 6 times in 2020 with many of the graduates not being able to complete last year's grade levels until the end of December. Each time the schools closed there was a drop in attendance due to a couple of reasons. Some students needed to work for their families as many parents lost their income due to cutbacks at garment factories. Also, some families moved away looking for work, and some students of working-age also dropped out. Mann4life tried to counter this in many ways as they met with families individually and as a group to determine what needs had to be met in order to keep their children in school. This led to a few changes in the way the ministry provided support; they included providing food, offering additional subsidies for children's tuition, and tutoring students who were falling behind because of the school closures.

Funds go towards students' tuition, transportation, food program, and teacher support.

Staff support

Staff support

Staff at DOVE lead around 20 young adults each year to participate in weekly training programs called Onyx 1 and Onyx 2. Through these Christian leadership development programs, the participants get to know themselves and to know God more deeply.

Another way that the staff of Dove foster emotionally whole and humble leaders is through a drop-in center for unchurched neighborhood kids. They offer English, art, and computer classes to over 150 students. These young people are invited to join growth groups led by the staff: leadership club, men’s group, women’s group, and others.

Staff support for DOVE helps these programs to continue, and the impact of Christian leadership development to be multiplied through the local community that DOVE works in.



Life for Internally Displaced People (IDP's) and Refugees poses many challenges. Families are forced to leave their homes, their possessions and communities often under the threat of death or persecution. Required to settle in temporary shelters, often made of tarps, these extended families live in common spaces the size of a small living room. Temperatures in the winter months often dip below freezing in the region, and these shelter provide little, if any, reprieve from the elements.

Hungry For Life partners have established relationships within these settlements. During the cold winter months, they have been meeting the physical needs of these families with kerosene heaters, additional kerosene, blankets, tarps and winter clothing.

Each time they spend intentional time with the families, sharing the Gospel and the love of Christ with them, in hope that they too might know the Lord.

Food distribution

Food distribution

At the end of 2018, some 41.3 million people were internally displaced due to armed conflict, generalized violence or human rights violations.

Food distribution is focused on settlements outside the scope of major humanitarian aid agencies. This provides a means to practically show love, meet needs and ultimately share the Gospel with those within these settlement.

Days For Girls Proinfancia

Days For Girls Proinfancia

In partnership with our Dominican partner, Carlos Pimentel, and his ministry Proinfancia, we support the Days for Girls (DFG) program in the Dominican Republic. Proinfancia focuses on menstrual health education and the production and distribution of menstrual kits containing supplies that allow girls to manage their menstruation.

Since almost 100% of vulnerable girls between 10 and 18 years old, living in poverty in the rural batey villages, have no access to feminine hygiene, it soon became clear that these girls are in great need of Days For Girls education and kits. These girls are at risk of sexual abuse, in danger of child trafficking, exposed to a "teen pregnancy epidemic," and isolated due to cultural taboos related to menstruation.

Proinfancia's goal is to provide menstrual health education and DFG kits to girls in the Dominican Republic through schools and female groups. One Days For Girls kit can be used for 3 years, enabling the girls to attend school and live their lives during their menstruation period.

Proinfancia produces the feminine hygiene kits in-country in their sewing centers, facilitating jobs for women who help produce the kits. With the support of many Canadian partners and the incredible work of Dominican Days For Girls ambassadors, Proinfancia produced and distributed over 13,000 feminine hygiene kits to women in the Dominican Republic in 2022.

Come alongside Proinfancia and support their goal to provide every girl in the Dominican Republic with a Days For Girls feminine hygiene kit.

Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Fudesa ministry focuses on outreach projects in Juan Tomas and surrounding communities. The IBJT church community, together with many short-term mission teams from North America, reach out to people in the community. They conduct house improvement projects, provide food hampers, offer prayer ministry, organize Bible school Programs, and provide new housing for families in need. The church members come alongside in serving their neighbours and also reach out to other villages in the Dominican Republic.



Fudesa Ministry oversees the operations of the private Christian Fountain of Life School. Classes start at preschool and go through grade 12, with over 450 students enrolled and over 40 staff members. Teachers are a vital part of the school community providing students with an exceptional Christian education. Spiritual growth is a cornerstone of Fountain of Life’s mission. 

The school campus is divided by the road that leads to the village center. Classrooms for educating pre-school to grade 6 sit on one side of the road, and on the other side are classrooms for grades 7-12. 

As a private Christian school they rely on partners that support the operations of the school, so that they can support their staff members, pay for the school supplies, and provide the best Christian education that so many children are able to receive. 
With a donating for this project, either a one-time or monthly donation, you support the Fountain of Life School directly in their day to day operations.

man smiling around kids - Hungry For Life (HFL) is a non-profit based out of Chilliwack BC, Canada that works alongside churches, community groups & businesses to reach out to global communities in need, help transform lives, fight extreme poverty, and end needless suffering. Moving People Towards Life.

Spiritual vibrancy through worldwide compassion

Helping you to have a direct global impact by:

Listening to your priorities

We listen to what's important to your group and find a suitable, global partner.

Building a plan

We work alongside you to build a custom international partnership plan.

Engaging with communities

We help you go and engage in the world.

Changing others’ lives will change your own

Our organization connects people together through meaningful long-term projects, bringing about physical and spiritual change.

Ready to change lives?

With a few clicks, you can make a financial difference in the fight against global poverty. Making a contribution is simple, yet impactful.

Connect your church or group with a community and start something that will inspire others to enact lasting change in the world.

Hungry For Life (HFL) is a non-profit based out of Chilliwack BC, Canada that works alongside churches, community groups & businesses to reach out to global communities in need, help transform lives, fight extreme poverty, and end needless suffering. Moving People Towards Life.