As we are now at a new location, we have to rely on our alarm clocks to wake us. The rooster alarm had been ousted!
Today was a ‘repeat’ of our first Saturday in Kenya! We met at the Yogo Church, and welcomed 25 widows! The joy and gratitude just pours out of their hearts as they share the testimonies of God’s graciousness to them.
Once again, I learned some new tips for my garden for next summer. Sprinkling ash on the corn stalks to kill the army worm! It was interesting to hear the collective knowledge of how to care for their shambas. It was encouraging to see the ladies sign up for the Adult Education classes.
After a tasty snack of freshly made samosas, we went on our widow visits. It has really been a blessing to us to hear the stories of God’s providence and provision for their lives. A sweet 91 year old lady we visited had so much joy. She was joking around about her food, and we all had some good laughs.
One young widow, only 28 years old, really touched our hearts. It’s is a cultural practice that once you are married, you go and live on the same yard as your husband’s family. The land is divided between all the sons. So Elizabeth had a piece of land and once her husband passed away, the brother in law bought it, and literally knocked down her house, plowed over it, and sent her away with her children. She returned to her ‘home’ town in the midst of adversity and shaming and mocking from the family. She lived in the market, but was able to slowly make enough money to build herself a little one room house for herself and her children.
We saw a lot of termite hills, and the team all thought of the verse from Proverbs on the ant. Our widow ladies all must be learning their lessons in life from the ant. They have worked so hard to provide for their families. The Voice of Hope has truly brought them hope that only can come from God.
We are so thankful to be used by God in this way.
Proverbs 6:6-8
Go to the ant, you sluggard;
consider its ways and be wise!
It has no commander,
no overseer or ruler,
yet it stores its provisions in summer
and gathers its food at harvest.