This is the day the Lord has made and we rejoiced and were glad in it! This morning we were blessed to worship with fellow believers at the Ceje Glory Center Church. Pastor Akal The message was based on Romans 8:37 “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us!” He had seven interesting points with lots of scripture backing. Conquerors: 1. Recognize their limitations, allow God to help. Ie Moses, Jeremiah 2. Have a positive mental attitude. Don’t be pessimistic ie the twelve spies. 3. Never expect everyone’s approval, only seek God’s approval. 4. A conqueror does not conform but seeks excellence. 5. A conqueror knows how to listen and accept criticism without losing sweetness. Separate destructive from constructive criticism Galations 2:12-13. 6. Give meaning to everything you do. Prayer has a purpose so pray with a purpose. 7. A conqueror knows when to say no. Resist the devil. Have an understanding spirit to discern what is right. The message had lots of practical tips. The singing was amazing and the fellowship sweet!
We have now completed all of our widow visits and most of our project work. Tomorrow we will fly to Nairobi and visit Martha’s Shiphrah Home. After visiting Martha we will head to our overnight safari. Our trip is coming to an end and our thoughts are turning towards home.