After rising and shining a little less than the previous morning, we began the beautiful day with self serve breakfast from eggs to bowls of cereal. Our attempt to be exactly on time by leaving at eight o’clock on the dot failed by fifteen minutes, but soon we were on the road to the small villages hidden among the endless fields of sugarcane.
After a quick stop for ice and more snacks and only after a few unfortunate whiplashes, bruised bottoms and jarred backs we arrived at Batey Vasca. Quickly discussing the plan for the day with Carlos, we split into groups of three. The guys headed to a nearby village where throughout the day they built the frame for a home and poured concrete for the foundation posts which meant hauling sand over the lumpy roads. Due to the lack of room in the cab, they wobbled on top of the sand pile on the back of the truck.
Another group split off to paint a newly renovated house vibrant green for a man named Freddie. Painting turned out to be fantastic after we realized the standards for how neatly it was done were extremely minimal. As long as the walls looked 98% green we were doing amazing!
The last group of girls headed to another school nearby to distribute more feminine hygiene kits as well as educate the girls. After this they proceeded to buy groceries to create more food baskets for the people in need. We were then reunited for a delicious Dominican lunch.
After lunch the guys left to complete their project goals for the day. Using all the fun craft supplies like glitter, beads, ribbon and colouring supplies, the girls set up craft tables and soon the children piled in. The children were absolutely thrilled with all the cool things they could make and many left a few hours later bedazzled excessively with sparkly stickers, paper crowns, jewellery and hair ribbons.
Meanwhile, Annalise, the pastor’s daughter, tightly braided some of our hair in Dutch braids.
Much to the delight of many of us, a local three month old baby was passed around for cuddles and snuggles. There may have been a few attempts of kidnappery but unfortunately the mother had a close eye on her child.
Piling into the van, we waved to the kids as we drove back to our different world in the villa.
This is supposed to be short so goodnight, buenas noches and goede nacht!
Coralee, Natalie, Chantel