This is Anne writing and I am loving my first visit to Kenya! Today we received a very warm welcome at a local church. It was fun seeing their church traditions. It seemed like whoever wanted was welcome to come up and give a testimony and then someone would start a song and everyone would join in clapping and singing accompanied by the church drum line. This went on for about a half hour or more. One very precious testimony was from a very poor, tiny, widow lady who told how she received 3,000 shillings ($30) from her son and she wanted to give it all as an offering because she wanted to fulfill a pledge she had made to the Lord.
After the service, all the church women stayed behind (about 95 ladies) for a hygiene talk with Maryanne, Wendy, Lydia, and Sue along with our translator, and HFL partner, Everlyne. 60 of the women received hygiene kits, sewn by Wendy and her church ladies' group. The other ladies could choose a plate, cup, or pot holder. They were all thrilled.
Lisa, Debbie, and I went outside for story time with about 60 kids. Lisa and Debbie acted out the story of Moses and Pharoah while I narrated. We ended with an explanation of the gospel explaining how, like the Passover lamb, Jesus' blood covers our sins.
After lunch, we visited the most beautiful area (you can’t believe how lush and green it is here) to the home of a widow named Alice. We’ve noticed the cares of the widows echo mothers everywhere-they always ask for prayer for the health and well-being of their children.
From there we went straight to a bible study with about 15 of our widows. It’s a super blessing to hear testimonies and share scripture together.
The care these widows receive from VOH is so incredible. My heart has broken for some of the widows who are just suffering so much. But I’m so impressed how the field partners, along with the team, are so quick to brainstorm ideas and provide the care each one needs.