We all woke up this morning refreshed and ready for the day. At times during the night, the rains were quite heavy so we were thankful that they have stopped. After breakfast and devotions, we were out of the door by 7:50 am. We had a busy and exciting day planned.
Our first stop of the day was to join a group of our widows at Violet’s home for their spiritual group meeting. We had a beautiful time singing and fellowshipping together. We then listened to a devotion from Julie on Galatians 6;9-10. She challenged us not to grow weary doing good to others especially those of the household of faith. Even though we live on different continents and speak differently we are sisters in Christ; it truly was a special time of bonding.
Then we went to have a look at the community garden. We were happy for the ladies and how well their garden looks and pray they will have a productive harvest in January.
Off to 10 widow visits, they were absolutely wonderful. Our theme this year is “courage”. As women, we all face fears and anxiety and together we discussed how thankful we are for God’s Word that encourages us and a Heavenly Father who looks after each one of us.
We are thankful for Aggrey and Evelynn translating for us and our driver Tom for shuttling us around.