Waking up on this side of the world this morning, I was greeted with the sounds of our rooster- who I am sure has no idea when he is to start his crowing. Morning, Day time, Evening- he has no preference. We were blessed with another wonderful breakfast by Julia and Maggie. I am convinced they think we don’t eat enough.
We started out by visiting our widow Jennifer Akeweyu whose young 21 yr old son Brian, experienced a life changing accident, when the mine shaft he was in (8 feet deep) collapsed on him, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down . VOH has come alongside Brian & his family to help them all adjust to their new normal. Life is very hard and difficult here for an able bodied person, but much more challenging for a disabled young man just starting out on his life journey.
The pathway to their home is a long narrow slippery steep path. Getting to and from the home is difficult for an able bodied person.
As we entered the home we found Brian sitting in a chair with his Bible open.
We spent time in worship and prayer with the family trying our best to encourage them in this difficult situation.
We covet your prayers for Brian and the life he will have going forward. We pray he will find peace, comfort and a purpose going forward. With God all things are possible!
As our journey continued we visited 4 other widows, encouraged by the families whose children continue to help them in their shambas, or with chores around the home when needed .
We came home - treated to an unbelievable lunch. We then proceeded to pack up all the Christmas gifts bags for our widows/families. I am sure there will be many delightful surprises on Christmas Day.
We left for Siaya (our 2nd leg of our journey) We were hoping to tour the new High School in Siaya. Such a wonderful opportunity for the children of this community to move from Yogo Elementary to a brand new High School with a state of the art facility, curriculum for learning & equipment to prepare them for their futures. God is so good!! As we have learnt many times on this trip- we do what we can. Plans and circumstances change - we adjust and enjoy the moments we have. No moment is wasted - our days are full.
We are at our “home” in Siaya, and will be here until Monday 6th.
Our remaining days are planned from morning till dark.
The good Lord has seen fit to keep us all healthy, and safe - we thank him daily for the travel mercies and blessings he has given us.
I pray this finds you all well and enjoying our trip with us, through our blog. You - our supporters and prayer warriors - are all a part of this team - we ask Gods Blessings and protection over you and your families.
Mungo akubariki (“God Bless You”)
Love in Him,