Today was another full and eventful day at El Refugio here in Ensenada.
We began the day in our regular rhythm of team devotions followed by a Mexican styled breakfast. We then took the girls to the field where we played baseball and instead played a game of Futbol (soccer). It was a high energy game with the girls and team getting more competitive by the minute. Avea ended up scoring the game winning goal, with her dad Shawn in net!
Once back to the home, Shawn shared another session about emotions and how we need to extend forgiveness in the effort of reconciliation when we have disagreements with others. How powerful the words "Im Sorry" and "I forgive you" are. The aim with this was to teach the girls some skills to put to practice as they live in this community together.
After lunch we continued working on the journals that we began with the girls yesterday. Wendy taught the Good Samaritan story and then for the craft the girls painted their hands and put their hand print in the journal and write 5 ways they could use your compassion, acts of service, time, or personal resources. The girls loved being creative in this activity and had some meaningful things to write in their journals.
We then continued the baking from yesterday, putting the cookie dough in the oven, and making some more cookies to give out in ministry the coming days. We also made Peach crumble and brownies with the girls help of course! Meanwhile part of the team packed the food hampers in a very efficient assembly line to fill 35 bags that we will hand out at the migrant camp and food program tomorrow and Saturday.
We then prepared for the evening as El Refugio hosted another ministry in Ensenada, a youth group for teens that are in a rougher area of town. We had 17 teens join us which made for a full house.
We played some games with water balloons and sponges that lead to Pastor Shawn in a full on water fight with one of the girls. Everyone got very wet but was laughing the whole time at the chaos of it all. We had one of the girls translating for us as we lead the games which was such a blessing to have her participate in that way! We ate hot dogs for dinner followed by a campfire with some songs in Spanish and English and Char sharing her testimony.
The team is continuing to do really well and is loving getting to know the girls more and more each day. Please pray for us as we head to the migrant camp tomorrow and bless the moms and children there.