By 8:30 am our ladies started filing in via motorbike, van, or on foot for our annual ladies day event. Dressed in matching Voice of Hope blue t-shirts our ladies spirits were high. Our event started with enthusiastic singing that was absolutely beautiful. We had a mixture of speakers leading in spiritual teaching and practical guidance by a local public health educator. It was an excellent opportunity to review our code of conduct and to encourage our Kenyan sisters in godly living.
In the past two years our widowed ladies formed spiritual groups. They meet regularly for bible study, singing and prayer. Friendships and trust have been established. This has also created a great atmosphere to supporting one another through trials and difficulties that seem to be their constant companion.
As we discussed some of their challenges we encouraged them to lean on one another in their Bible study groups. We finished off our morning with a delicious meal of Dutch rice (we’ve got them loving Nasi!) and a gift of shoes for each lady.
Several days ago we met a sweet baby named Roger. He is 3 months old and was born with an open spina bifida. Roger was born to a young mom who has very limited resources and could not afford medical care for her baby. In God’s providence our paths crossed and we were able to assist her in getting casts on his legs. May the Lord guide us as we seek to support and walk alongside of this young mom and her fragile baby.