We’ve safely arrived in Kenya! After arriving late last night into Nairobi and getting through customs with a breeze, we booked into the Crown Plaza hotel. Most of us had a relaxing, great night’s sleep (for those of us that didn’t sleep too much on our 28 hour buffet of flights).
After a delicious breakfast of fresh fruit, crepes and/or omelettes, MaryAnne shared with us a short devotion on Psalm 121. Then off to the airport again to catch our short flight to Kisumu
Upon arriving in Kisumu we sorted thru the suitcases and separated them into “piles”, and then off to a visit with Rose. She shared with us her story and shared her great gratitude to VOH for being there for her so soon after her husband’s death. Looking forward to ladies day and enjoying the “Dutch rice”.
Next we went to visit Sabina. Sabina has Breathing difficulties. She rushed home because she knew we were wanting to visit. Because of rushing home from the market it took her a bit to catch her breath. She shared memories of her life with her husband, the love of her life. She had 6 children but has already buried 2 of those children. Even with all of her losses, her loneliness and extreme poverty, she has a strong love for the Lord. Despite the support that the voice of hope has been able to give, Sabina still struggles with many needs. Her lack of a local support system is a concern to us. MaryAnne was able to share scripture with her and pray with her. It truly was a beautiful visit.
Our next visit was to Pamela. In no time the kids seemed to appear out of no where. A little Lego man to each kept them quiet through our visit. It was so good to see Pamela again. Covid has affected us over the last year and a half but it has affected Kenya way more. The lockdowns were the most difficult for Pamela because then she could not make money. We spent some time discussing the next harvest and that it has also been a challenge for her. Tomorrow we hope to get together with her and the rest of her co-op to harvest monkey nuts aka peanuts. At the end of our visit Lisa shared a devotion on courage. Again we were blessed in visiting with Pamela, her sharing her faith with us and sharing her strong dependence on God her Father. We look forward to the harvest tomorrow - I think.