Prayer with a Purpose
Our Sunday started bright and early.
We were up at 5:30am and ready to leave for church at 6:30am. What a wonderful experience that was!
The singing is just amazing.
The pastor spoke on Nehemiah 1:4, and how Nehemiah had a burden for the people of Israel and took this burden to God. Nehemiah didn’t give up; he didn’t blame God but took his burdens to God. As Christians we must do the same: have burdens for others, especially other Christians, and take these to the Lord.
After the service we were privileged to do some hygiene teaching with the women and Bible stories with the kids.
We went to our home for a break and a delicious lunch, before visiting more of our beautiful widows. These sisters in Christ are an example of true joy and faith even in adversity. The brokenness and poverty because of sin in the world is obvious but it is beautiful to see and hear God working here. At each visit we have a small devotion, sing and pray together and leave the visit encouraging them that our sovereign God sees them and cares for them.
Meanwhile, Mary Anne, Idelette, and Everlynne, went to a regional referral hospital to visit the 21 year old son of one of our widows who was involved in a mining accident. Please pray for Brian's recovery from a life-changing spinal cord injury.
We ended our day worshiping together with one of the spiritual groups and it was wonderful. It is hard to describe with words. There we sat outside in Robai’s yard, sharing our testimonies, something our Kenyan friends do very well as we stumble through, reading scripture, singing and praying together. We are so thankful for each widow and how much they teach us, welcome us and love us. We look forward to heaven when we can praise and worship God and fellowship together with no translator. Our time together ended with singing this song.
“You are so faithful, so faithful, so faithful.
You are so faithful, so faithful, all the time.
That’s why I praise you, in the morning; that’s why I praise you at the noontime; that’s why I praise you in the evening. That’s why I praise you all the time!”