Greetings from Siaya, Kenya! We joined in a lively worship service this morning and later had a blessed time of praise and thanksgiving at Monica's home.
Monica is not literate but knows God's Word well. Psalm 91 is especially precious to her. Monica has suffered much rejection in her life but her words and life continually praise God for His goodness. We were all touched by her humble and generous spirit.
We also visited three widows in their homes in Siaya, sharing scripture and singing together. A lovely drive to the Seje community water project and school took us past the Equator, which makes for a nice photo op. Rain threatened much of the day but we never got wet and enjoyed beautiful cloudy skies and a rainbow. God's grace and promises are so amazing!
One of our great friends and blessings in Kenya is our driver Tom. He drives us to numerous locations each day without ever getting lost on identified trails and roads. Then he waits patiently with the van, keeping it clean and safe until we return. Putting up with our antics and teasing is part of the job description. Tom has even learned to like Dutch licorice candy! We thank God for this kind godly man.
And so ends a wonderful Lord's Day in Kenya as our friends and family start their Sunday in Canada. May it be a blessed day for you too!