Every other morning started about how delicious the breakfast was. Ours started out by sleeping in, and getting woken up by Will excessively pounding on the door. Joking she was really sweet ;) Then in one big hurry we packed our things and ate breakfast and headed out the door. We went to spend one last day with the amazing community at New Jerusalem.
We split the group into two. Some of the girls went to the Days for Girls program at a nearby school. There they spent their time with girls ranging from ages 9 - 18 . Where they were educated about women hygiene. The others stayed in the school by New Jerusalem and had a craft and bible story for the children.
We choose the parable of the sower (Matthew 13: 1-23). We planted sunflowers seeds with the children to demonstrate the parable.
In the mean time Tristan and Joseph did nothing. We are totally kidding!! The both of them finished a house in the community. Which is a great accomplishment because the family moving into that home, in the meant time is living in a shack with bed sheets for walls.
After another bussin’ lunch of rice chicken and vegetables, We proceeded to do some visits, where we met some amazing people and families.
One lady we met was a single mother of five who was borrowing a home for her and her children. At another home we were privileged to try some Dominican coconut for the very fist time. “Man that was coconuts!” ~ Natalie
We went back to the village and said our goodbyes.
We all jumped back into the van and headed on down to Ole to grab some groceries. During the grocery excursion it started pouring! So everyone just hung out in the store till it cleared up. Then we started our adventure for some super. After getting lost down the back streets of Santo Domingo we finally found the pizza place!
Then we went on to our new house to start the rest of our trip here!!
When we went to explore the area outside we discovered a giant tarantula which resulted in a collective blood-curling scream from the girls! Definitely a thing for nightmares!
Tara and Dorianne