November 2022

Learning and Working Together

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Our dear widowed ladies often find themselves in difficult situations with few or no options to solve their dilemmas.
Some struggle with family and/or in-law tensions. Even as drastic as being harassed and beaten by a brother-in-law.
Some are desperately ill and have no family to care for them or their children. One of our dear ladies is facing kidney failure and has 4 teenage sons living at home.
Voice of Hope is so privileged to work together with two amazing field partners Everlyne Imbenzi and Aggrey Mudi.
Their experience and expertise is invaluable!
As we visit our women and encounter various difficulties, we collaborate and lean on Everlyne and Aggrey to help us seek solutions.
In a situation this weekend, a widow shared that her brother-in-law was beating her. Everlyne was quick to connect with the village elder who responded and assisted.
VOH is thankful for their
caring advocacy. 
It is known and observed in the surrounding communities that no one messes with our Voice of Hope women and escapes the wrath of Everlyne and Aggrey!
~Mary Anne

Ladies’ Day
Our ladies arrived bright and early anxious to start the day. We opened up with prayer, followed by a hilarious game that Anne had organized. Mostly all of our ladies participated in it, and we had a good laugh.

Jennifer (one of our widows) gave a short devotion to start the morning off. Mary Anne followed and spoke on certain aspects of their Health- ulcers, infections and high blood pressure.

Godfrey, our guest speaker from OAF ( One Acre Fund) explained what their program is about and the benefits of working with them to help them produce better crops. Pamela (one of our widows) and Aggrey our field partner gave a short talk as to how OAF has been a beneficial resource for them.

There were speakers from our widow group who have taken the Adult Education and Basic Business training and they shared what they learnt with the ladies and encouraged them to take the courses themselves.

Lunch was served and all thoroughly enjoyed Nasi and juice, which was followed by ice cream. It was wonderful to spend time with each other and also to learn from one another. It is such a treat to see the unity, friendship, and help they give to one another through VOH.

Mudding a Hut
Anne, Lydia, Debbie, Wendy & Sue had the enjoyable task of helping one of our widows mud her hut. The locals enjoyed our help and we had many good laughs. How wonderful to work side-by-side on a project! We were told we did a great job! We were all thankful to be able to have hot showers when we returned to our “home”!

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