On The Road Again
After a VERY early departure from our accommodations in Yogo, we were on our way to Kisumu to fly to Kakamega. The drive was dark and with people walking on the side of the road dressed in dark clothing, as well as dodging potholes and slowing down for massive speed bumps, Tom, our diligent driver, did a fantastic job getting us safely to the airport.
After a quick, smooth 1 hour flight to Nairobi, we stopped at Paul’s Cafe for a delicious breakfast. Then off to Martha’s house.
It was great to be at this home where kids have found refuge! The girls were bent over soapy wash water and rinse water while doing the laundry. My back started to hurt just watching them. In the same compound, construction of the dining hall, girls' dorm, and boys' dorm continue. Then off to the chapel/school building to do a Bible story about Moses and the plagues as well as crafts with the 65+ kids aged 2 to approximately 14 years. Waiting for all the kids to arrive we sang songs which the kids joined in. Our next adventure was craft time, lunch bag sheep for the little ones, and frogs with party blowers for the big kids. A great big thanks to Anne for coming up with such neat craft ideas and for having enough supplies for everyone to enjoy the crafts. We finished off our time at Martha’s by serving the kids rice with a piece of KFC. We enjoyed watching the kids eat the KFC - finger lick’n good!
Our next adventure was our trip to the Safari where we spent the night in tents. What an adventure it was! From a mom and cubs of lions yesterday evening to a roaring male lion stalking her prey this afternoon and the sighting of MANY other wildlife - it was the perfect, relaxing end to this trip. Thank you MaryAnne and Sue for taking such good care of us and the rest of the team for being such an inspiration! I know we are all excited to get home to our families but I know I can say for myself I left a bit of my heart behind. ~Lydia~