Our afternoon was spent visiting three widows in the Siaya area, Rhoda, Margaret, and Anastasia. It fills us with gratitude for all your support for the Voice of Hope Mission. Everyone's life testimony is of their great needs and how God has provided for them through you all. All three homes were filled with grandchildren that have been abandoned by their parents and left with grandma to provide for them. All three widows are old and weak and yet they testify of their Hope in Christ, who has also supplied their earthly needs.
Lydia was in her element at Anastasia’s house reading Bible Stories to the eager children there.
This concludes our widow visits in Kenya and we pray that God will bless the scriptures that we have shared with them, and also the gifts we have been able to bless them with on your behalf.
They have no idea how much they have blessed us! Their faith and their courage could move mountains. God Bless them all.
This is the day the Lord has made! Our team awoke early this morning to prepare for worship. The psalmist in Psalm 84 testifies of the loveliness of God’s house and his longing to dwell there. His heart and flesh cried out for the living God. Our hearts echoed this longing to worship this morning and God fulfilled the desires of our hearts.
We arrived at the church to the joyful, beautiful singing of our Kenyan friends. We were thankful we could join in the exuberant singing as some of the songs were in English. Kenyans sing with all of their being! We thank God for these beautiful souls who encourage and teach us so much!
Pastor Charles then spoke on, “God’s Favour To The Unworthy”. His text was 2 Corinthians 12:9. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness” Favour was defined as kindness beyond what we deserve. Favour is approval or support or kindness or likeness for someone. Favour/mercy is an act of kindness we do not deserve. Pastor Charles spoke of Paul’s thorn in the flesh as the means to keep Paul humble and dependent. God’s favour and grace were sufficient for Paul.
Another highlighted verse was John 3:16. This is the ultimate verse which speaks of God’s favour upon us! Because of God’s great love for sinners, we can now walk as saved people. We must repent and leave sin and walk as saved people. The old is gone and we are now called sons and daughters of the King! The past is gone: the future is free. We may now walk in freedom since God has shown us favour in redeeming us.
Lastly, Pastor Charles encouraged us who have been forgiven - to also forgive others. We must extend favour/mercy to those who have harmed/hurt/insulted us. The ability to forgive abounds in those who are found in Christ. The message ended with these powerful words, “The past is gone, the future is free! Walk in freedom! God has done it for you!” ~Sue~