As with every trip, there are joyful hellos and then sad goodbyes. Last week we began our VOH trip in the Kakamega area. After a busy week of visits and project work, this morning we packed our bags and said goodbye to our wonderful helpers Maggie and Maria, and our local field partner Aggrey. God has provided abundantly for our team in these wonderful people. We joined together in devotion reading Psalm 121, prayer, and singing “God be with you til we meet again.” We then headed down the highway to Siaya, about an hour and a half ride. Our trip is so enhanced by the constant supply of dropjes and peppermints that are passed around in the van. After checking into our accommodations for the next 4 nights, we enjoyed visiting 5 widows. So blessed to fellowship with these dear sisters! We appreciate all the prayers given for us! They are being answered! ~Sue~