Our morning began with the amazing sounds of a rooster and hen! Since the sleeping space wasn't ready, the ladies enjoyed a sleep over in the pastors house. After a delicious breakfast, the men began demolishing an old cook house. Meanwhile, the ladies headed to the school for a final VBS and some singing. We concluded our morning with lunch. Following this, the men started to dig a foundation, which included pick axing tree roots, and unloaded a truck of bricks. The ladies got to paint the community centre and entertained village children with bead bracelets. Around 3:30, we packed up, said good bye to Pastor David and his wife Anna, and headed to our final destination, San Pedro de Macorís. Before dinner, we took a stroll to the ocean nearby. We had a traditional dinner of, rice, chicken, and beans. We ended our day with a team debrief and hit the sack early so we could get up early for the sunrise. Adiós!