Good evening everyone!!
Today was Excelente!! We started the day with a delicious breakfast of baked oatmeal and fresh watermelon and pineapple! After this we packed up to go to the community of New Jerusalem for another day of working and interacting with the students there! The students were happy to see us back! They were split into three groups, the one group getting taught a Bible story of the parable of the lost coin and lost sheep along with a coloring picture. The second group participated in a craft about the Bible story, coloring a picture to show the lost coin being found! The last group of students participated in some activities, playing "doggy doggy where's your bone," some jump rope games and soccer! The kids were super hyper and fun!
The guys helped out with construction once again, happy to get straight to work because they were cut short from the rain yesterday! The classroom structure was put up and the back wall was sheeted! Another project they worked on and completed was the cinderblock walls around the school yard. Guys from the community worked hard to complete these walls with a stucco finish.
Before lunch the girls did some home visits, delivering baskets of food to families in need. We prayed with each family before continuing on to the next house. They got back just in time before it started pouring rain again, and just in time for lunch. The ladies cooked us rice and beans, chicken, pasta salad and baked bananas. Fantastico!!
Fortunately the rain stopped allowing the guys as well as girls to continue helping out with construction after lunch! Around 3 it started pouring again but the guys were adamant to finish the last concrete pad for the gate! The girls kept the little kids occupied with paper airplanes! We got a lot done today!!
We headed back to Juan Tomas and did some more home visits in the community there. After getting back it was time for supper! And guess what was for supper?? Rice and chicken stew again! What a surprise;)
It's raining again this evening so we hope to relax and get a good night's rest for tomorrow's plans! Buenas noches!