We woke up to an orchestra of alarms this morning and went to eat a delicious breakfast of omletes on toast, with stupendous bananas and freshly squeezed oranges. Later we boarded a new bus, with no curtains, and journeyed to Los Alcarrizos, singing our national anthem and other childhood songs. Upon arrival three of the girls helped in the sewing center, putting together cloth menstrual products for the Days for Girls project. The rest of the girls did a VBS program, telling the parable of the good Shepard and the one lost lamb. They made a sheep craft with the children, colored a picture, and sang and played with the kids. The guys worked on painting the new sewing center and were joined by the girls later on. Some girls painted in the new sewing center and the other ones painted a wire fence to keep it from rusting. For lunch we ate a delightful meal of chicken, rice and beans, with fried plantian, avocado, potato and carrot salad, and fresh buns. After lunch, everyone continued painting and working in the sewing center. At 3:00, four girls when to do a Days for Girls distribution in a local school. There were about 50 girls packed into a tiny room, with a giant boom box so everyone could hear the speaker. The girls were very excited about the menstrual products and gave out friendship bracelets in thanks. They left to pick up the rest of the group, and experienced a real Dominican traffic jam and then everyone drove back to Fudesa. For supper we had a fantastic dish of scalloped potatoes and savory lasagna. After supper, everyone did whatever they wanted, relaxing, playing volleyball or playing with the children.