Then the men worked on cementing the wall around the school. It definitely gave them a quick lesson on how the Dominicans operate. Some others travelled to the supermarket to buy groceries for food hampers and our dinner, and discovered that people are just as reckless with their carts of food as they are on the roads. Those that stayed behind played soccer, ate amazing pineapple, and had their hair braided. We drove home with a scenic view of the sun setting behind the ocean. We made chicken and pasta for supper which was a great ending to our first day!
Hi!! After a later start to the day due to a long night of travelling, we had a delicious breakfast with fresh fruit.We then proceeded to head out to meet the New Jerusalem community. Our first impressions of the people there were that they were very welcoming and friendly. We all introduced ourselves and met Pastor Eddyson and his team. We spent some time getting to know each other thanks to Carlina and Carlos’ translating. The children were far from shy and we became fast friends with them. They were energetic and eager to play any sort of game, and they especially intrigued by Laurene’s camera and took many photos!

The School and Church building in New Jerusalem