We began our day with visiting Joyce and following the visit we had the opportunity to mud her daughter Siphrosa’s house. We all enjoyed slinging mud to help with the second layer of mudding. We made our way back to Distinction Gardens for showers and lunch. In the afternoon, we were able to visit Florence, Elizabeth, Patricia and Selena. The ladies love singing and we love singing with them. We even learned a small song in Luo today, “You are my Redeemer.”Children followed us from one house to another today. As you can see the kids love marvins also known as a toque. They are a hot commodity and we love that people back home made them for the kids here. We had a delicious supper at Pastor Silas’ house before returning to our hotel for an evening debrief. We would love for you to continue in prayer for the people in Kenya and us as we visit with them. A specific prayer request is that God may soon send rain so the crops can be planted and flourish.