Good day
This morning started off with a good breakfast of burritos and fruit. We then all got ready for church and loaded up and drove to new Jerusalem. We were 20 minutes late but it didn’t matter because the minister was driving us,after arriving we still had to wait 45 mins before the service started . The service was in Spanish with a translator in English Before the message, we had the opportunity to sing 3 psalters/hymns standing infront of the whole church while Amy played the piano. Then we heard the choir from the local church sing a song. People filed in while the service continued. We heard about Philippians 2 and acts 5. It was about paul and Timothoious’s journey to Thessalonica. After our group photo and goodbyes. We drove back for lunch before our Sunday afternoon nap. We visited the botanical gardens, and after 20 minutes we had a downpour which pretty much lasted the whole afternoon. We spent most of the time waiting in shelter for our ride to pick us up early. The trip back was quite a bit longer as we had to make about 3 detours due to traffic. We came home and had a delicious supper of lasagna, bananas, and plantain. After we got back to our rooms. We had to kill off a few deadly insects and with that we conclude this peaceful day.
Have a great sleep tonight!