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Students graduate from high school, on-the-job training, and university

It is exciting to see 11 students finish their studies and have the honour of wearing the black gown as they graduate from university. Please pray that their success in university will help them find good employment.  

Three of the sponsored college students just completed on-the-job training in Hospitality at the Oasis.  

In addition, six graduating high school students of the Expanding Horizons Program (EH for Canadians) recently took a five-day trip that gave them many firsts. They enjoyed the time of learning and fun, but it was also a great time for Joven to teach and have fellowship with them.  

One of the former students in the sponsorship program recently got married, and Joven had the honor of officiating at the wedding ceremony. She had graduated in 2018 in Business Administration and is now gainfully employed.

In addition, one of the 2019 college graduates shared that she is now able to provide financial support for her family as well as financially support her brother with his college education.

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