Then the EVE Team split off in groups of two to educate grades 4-8. Even though we were travel weary and had limited time to prepare, this did proved to be a challenge for our team, but we accepted the challenge and succeeded. Looking around I was extremely grateful for the resources our own children have in their school as these classrooms had no pens, no pencils, no paper, not even chalk for their chalkboards. When our time in class ended some of our team member had a session with the teachers to educate on how they can make our message a success in the future. Ashley and I went to the field to have some fun with the students. With almost 200 students with us, and an overwhelming feeling of, what do we do now, we proceeded to teach them the Hokey Pokey and have an hour of excitement and joy. I am feeling so much pride for this team I have joined and the many more experiences we are going have while spreading our message.
Oh my what a day and where do I begin! We started our day with a third flight travelling from Nairobi to Kisumu then driving to Kakamega. After a travel day that lasted over 24 hrs to get us to Kenya, this final leg has left the whole team extremely exhausted. We arrived at our guest house hosted by Everlyne and her family where they prepared a lovely meal for us before we headed off to our first school visit. It was a mad scramble to get items out of our luggage and ourselves out the door.
When pulling up to Shikokho school I can see children excited and awaiting our arrival jumping up and down. We are brought to the school yard and all students are brought out to welcome the Eve team. What an amazing and touching welcome they gave us. The Eve team was seated up front and presented with a beautiful song and dance by their students in thanks of our arrival. The principal and chairman of the school presented us with what hopes and dreams the for Shikikho school.