This morning our team was able to start a little later than usual which was nice as we have had long days here in Kenya. Siaya has welcomed us with open arms. Today we completed our final teaching at Yogo Glory Christ Academy. We were all ready to break into 3 groups to teach the grade 6,7 & 8 classes. The team was pleasantly surprised to find out that all 3 classes were together in one room and we would be able to teach together. This team of women are amazing and we’re able to regroup and pull together. To start Sydney and I shared some fun facts about Canada and some pictures of Canadian animals. The team then went over self esteem, self worth, courage and the importance of having hopes and dreams. Shonah shared the importance of having friends and what a good friend is while sharing pictures of her pets at home. The children enjoyed the lesson and had so much fun making their dream boards. Once completed they passed them around sharing their creations with their friends with smiles on their faces.
After we finished the team headed out for 3 home visits with widows in the community. Our first home visit was with Maria, an 87 year old woman who is blind and lives alone. She was so joyful to have her Canadian guests and even sang for us. Next we were off to see Florence a widow who lives with her son and two grandchildren. They seem to have a happy house hold despite the hardships that they have faced. Florence was in tears of gratitude after our visit and the children were happily playing with their new toys. Our final visit was with Joyce her special needs daughter and 3 grandchildren. This visit proved to be the most difficult of the 3. We could see the struggles this grandmother faced and the pain the children were feeling. Fortunately we were able to sit outside under the shade of a large tree which enabled our team to stay a little bit longer. When driving away we could see the three children looking at the gifts that they had received.