Once we are finally back at the mission we have another hour of free time so we make a quick trip to the beach. Then it’s time to get ready for the youth group that is planning to arrive soon. We work on preparing sausages and hot dogs and French fries with all kinds of toppings. After dinner we have a devotional time about drawing near to God and making time for a quiet time each day. We also sing together and play games. Then it’s time to roast marshmallows over the fire. It’s late before the kids make it into their beds, but they quickly fall into a sweet sleep!
I wake up to a blue sky and birds chirping. Breakfast this morning is tortilla chips and beans and fruit.
Since we don’t have to leave for the senior centre till shortly after 10:00 a.m. we take the kids to the beach to play for a little while. They wave jump and build sand castles and channels.
At 10:15 we are back at the mission compound loading the vehicles full of supplies. Then we begin our trek over the bumpy roads till we arrive at the senior centre. There we greet them and visit with them. We sing songs together and then we split up into groups to do games and crafts, serve lunch, clean and fold laundry. The senior people are happy to see us and watch us, and enjoy participating in the painting craft as well.