Today was care and compassion day. We started off the day by attending the community church named Shikoku Quaker at 8am. There is always a lot of singing which makes for an enjoyable service, I find it uplifting to listen to the singing. After church we went back to the house to pack up the bags we had out together containing gifts for the families.
Our first visit was at Terea’s house. Terea was a beautiful women who had lost 6 of her children. Terea had her daughter Gaudencia living with her as well as grandchildren Vivian (18), Doreen (16), Simon (4), Derek (5) and Felix (1.5).
The second visit was at Panina’s. She had an 19 daughter in law with her named Involeta, 16 year old Melic and Melissa (1.5).
Our last Visit of today was to a widowed woman called Rebecca. She has a son who lives close to her, his name is John and he is a pastor. Rebecca is a wonderful, smart and engaging woman aged 82. She was a very lovely lady that we could have visited many times if we lived here.
We did some planning for our first training session tomorrow. We are all pumped up to get started.