Are we here on earth to do God’s will only when we see it as being successful?
“Our fight is not against flesh or blood” (Ephesians 6:12)
“Our fight is not against flesh or blood” (Ephesians 6:12)
Our vision will only be realized when selfless values are lived out by an ever increasing number of God’s people.
Our vision will only be realized when selfless values are lived out by an ever increasing number of God’s people. In this book, HFL founder and Executive Director Dave Blundell presents a concise summary of physical poverty in the developing world and spiritual poverty in the developed world. He then paints a biblical picture of a compassionate community of faith, comparing the contemporary Western Church against what it was intended to look like. The final section includes the core value changes necessary for the Church to rediscover its place as a relevant force of love and compassion.
> Download sample chapter hereWe are all tired of hearing about the failure and recession of the Western Church.
We are all tired of hearing about the failure and recession of the Western Church. We are also tired of trying to find methods to resuscitate it and see a resurgence of its impact. As leaders, we need to stop looking at ways to renovate the Church and first look at ourselves. We need to examine our own spiritual poverty as the leading cause of the Church’s failure to be more than it is now. The spiritual transformation of its leaders will result in the spiritual transformation of the Church. Professionally Religious is for pastors, directors, CEO’s, boards, elders, teachers, managers, parents, and anyone concerned about spiritual influence.
> Download sample chapter hereStay up to date with the latest news and information from Hungry For Life.