Jobs & capacity building
Phnom Penh | Cambodia

Staff support

Staff support - Phnom Penh - Cambodia
In progress
Project Status
In progress

Villageworks believes in the training and development of skills to empower women, people with disabilities and marginalized communities to be able to work in order to find and maintain stable employment. Partnership with this Project helps to support the enterprise through staff support, which allows for investment in Villageworks employees, provide training for them, and improvement and expansion of the organization and its mission. Staff support assists with staff salaries, improvement of facilities and working conditions, and increasing marketing of Villageworks products which contributes to increased employment and earning.

Latest update

Partnership Visit

In August 2024, a team from Hungry For Life had the opportunity of visiting Villageworks. This visit involved meeting with the leaders and employees, and seeing the day-to-day operations of Villageworks, to better understand the organization, and the impact of the Operational Support project. The visit was an excellent opportunity for the HFL team to learn about Villageworks, and gain a greater appreciation for the impact and significance of the organization, and the many lives that Villageworks reaches.

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