Shelter & infrastructure
Restricted Access | Middle East


Winterization - Middle East - Restricted Access
In progress
Project Status
In progress

Life for Internally Displaced People (IDP's) and Refugees poses many challenges. Families are forced to leave their homes, their possessions and communities often under the threat of death or persecution. Required to settle in temporary shelters, often made of tarps, these extended families live in common spaces the size of a small living room. Temperatures in the winter months often dip below freezing in the region, and these shelter provide little, if any, reprieve from the elements.

Hungry For Life partners have established relationships within these settlements. During the cold winter months, they have been meeting the physical needs of these families with kerosene heaters, additional kerosene, blankets, tarps and winter clothing.

Each time they spend intentional time with the families, sharing the Gospel and the love of Christ with them, in hope that they too might know the Lord.

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