Fudesa Ministry oversees the operations of the private Christian Fountain of Life School. Classes start at preschool and go through grade 12, with over 450 students enrolled and over 40 staff members. Teachers are a vital part of the school community providing students with an exceptional Christian education. Spiritual growth is a cornerstone of Fountain of Life’s mission.
The school campus is divided by the road that leads to the village center. Classrooms for educating pre-school to grade 6 sit on one side of the road, and on the other side are classrooms for grades 7-12.
As a private Christian school they rely on partners that support the operations of the school, so that they can support their staff members, pay for the school supplies, and provide the best Christian education that so many children are able to receive.
With a donating for this project, either a one-time or monthly donation, you support the Fountain of Life School directly in their day to day operations.