Proinfancia and Empowering Action work closely with local churches in different communities. They strongly believe that the local church should serve their communities and reach out to people in need. Together with church leaders, they organize community outreach programs to serve the community and spread the Gospel message through word and deed.
Proinfancia provides a health and nutrition program in collaboration with nurses in the church community. The program serves families with young children, pregnant women, and the elderly who have health issues and are at risk of malnourishment. Proinfancia uses software to keep track of children who are malnourished and supports the families with food hampers and medication. Additionally, nurses visit the families regularly to conduct health check-ups.
Empowering Action organizes other community outreach programs, supporting church leaders and equipping them to reach out to their neighbors in the community. These programs include Bible School programs for children, community roundtable conversations, and house visits. Teams from our Canadian partners work alongside local churches to reach people in the community.