Everything would change if we completely understood we are absolutely loved. I mean everything. Imagine your life was lived each moment, knowing in every fibre of your being, that God is madly and endlessly in love with you? And then imagine you couldn’t help but live out an unconditional love that mirrors the very image of how God loves.
Imagine an unconditional love lived out in our marriages and families. How many families would still be whole?
Imagine an unconditional love lived out where we work. How much joy and success could we have as a team?
Imagine an unconditional love lived out where we live. It would become a community and not just row of homes.
Imagine an unconditional love lived out in our churches. We would become known as a force of love and compassion and not just an irrelevant self-absorbed religious institution.
Imagine an unconditional love lived out around the world. It would become a world without extreme poverty.
The only way to “get it”… the only way to increasingly become one who loves unconditionally is to increasingly spend time in the presence with the One who does. We can only love to the degree we’ve been loved. When I am experiencing the love of God then I don’t have to work at being patient. I don’t have to twist my arm to be giving. I don’t have to grit my teeth to show a bit of grace. I don’t have to force myself not to sin. I don’t have to make myself love.
We can only love to the degree we’ve been loved. Finding it tough to love and show it? Get in His presence. It’s that simple.
If we do nothing else during our time on this earth, we will have the most impact if we facilitate opportunities for ourselves and others to fathom:
“How wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully.” - Ephesians 3:18 (NLT)