This is the Day the Lord has made! Sitting at dinner this evening we were reflecting on the fact that we are here in Kenya. We are healthy and we are busy being blessed and blessing others. The time leading up to our trip was filled with so many uncertainties. Would we be allowed to travel? Would restrictions hinder us from doing a stop-over in Germany? Would Kenya allow us into their country since we live in a ‘high risk” country? Would we all receive negative Covid tests? Planning for this trip in our pandemic time was complex and stressful! But, praise be to God that we are here and God is confirming us in our work.
With the van windows wide open - we enthusiastically sang “This Is The Day The Lord Has Made” as we made our way to the morning church service. We arrived and entered the humble church building to the congregation singing the same song we sang on the way! Hearing it being sung in Swahili made us realize again how we worship the same God, even with the same songs!! The message was based on Zechariah 4:6 “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.” The pastor emphasized that all that transpires is because it is the will of the Lord. He encouraged us that we as visitors are in Kenya now not because of our might or power, but because it is the will of the Lord.
After the service we did a hygiene presentation and handed out kits. The older ladies had blood pressure checks and education, while the children were told a story and sang songs.
After lunch back at our “home”, we did 6 more widow visits. We have enjoyed deep spiritual discussions with our widows. They are freely telling us of the Lord’s work in their lives. Our day ended with a special time of worship at widow Jennifer’s home. We walked to her home and arrived just as the heavens opened and the rain poured down. Sitting in her mud hut with the rain pelting down on her tin roof we sang enthusiastically and mediated on Jesus rising from his sleep to still the storm. A wonderful way to end the Lord’s Day!