All You Need is Love

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Is love a resource?

I’ve never really thought of that before; the concept of love being a resource to fight violence.
(Resource: a natural feature or phenomenon that enhances the quality of human life -Merriam-Webster)
When I think of definition of resource, then yes! Love is definitely a resource and one of the greatest resources we have in fighting violence.

This came up today at the Community Leadership workshop the EVE team facilitated. Day 1 or 2 where our aim is to get community leaders thinking about concerns in their community and identify causes of violence, pick three causes that are most significant to the group and then brainstorm solutions to fight against the concerns listed. Once solutions are identified we then challenge our participants to come up with an action plan of how they would work towards achieving one or two of those solutions.

Divided into 3 groups. Each group was given one of the chosen causes to discuss. The top three causes of violence that were chosen today were poverty, lack of resources and poor leadership. All of this carry so much complexity and really no easy solution is found. However, difficult complexity did not deter our groups. And they worked on in quiet strength discussion and challenging eachother.

Present with us today in Yogo, Siaya County was a deeply thoughtful group of teachers, health care workers, pastors, local government administrators, police, students and farmers, 35 people in total. The top 3 concerns around violence this team identified were poverty, lack of resources and poor leadership. They worked hard amid the stifling heat brainstorming solutions and actions plans solving these problems. The team that had lack of resources as their topic identified love one of resource that needs to be fostered to end violence. There were many other fantastic ideas that surfaced today as well among all the groups but this stuck with me the most, so simple, so pure, all we need is love.

Today we celebrated a beautiful queen’s birthday. Shonah, you are gift. Your generosity is inspiring, your heart for the vulnerable is poignant and your love of chickens is like non-other. I am proud to know this dynamic woman and call her friend. Happy birthday.

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